Study on Risk of Eating Disorders and Body Image Dissatisfaction among Adolescents Aged 11-18 years attending Secondary Schools in Vellore city

Carvalho Roshni Teresa Stephen, (2020) Study on Risk of Eating Disorders and Body Image Dissatisfaction among Adolescents Aged 11-18 years attending Secondary Schools in Vellore city. Masters thesis, Christian Medical College, Vellore.


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INTRODUCTION: Eating disorders are illnesses with severe and persistent disturbances in eating behaviors with altered consumption or absorption of food. They cause a significant disturbance in physical and psychosocial functioning, and are difficult to manage.Body image is a perception of the physical self, with the associated thoughts and feelings related to the same, which may be positive or negative. Dissatisfaction with one’s perceived body image has been found to be integral in the pathophysiology eating disorders. Studies show the prevalence of body image dissatisfaction to range between 35-80% with a higher prevalence in girls. In previous Indian studies on adolescents with eating disorders, the desire to be thin was not found to be an important predisposing factor. However, with Westernization and then promotion of the “thin” body ideal by media, the prevalence of body image dissatisfaction has increased. This may lead to an increase in the incidence of eating disorders, and the morbidity and mortality associated with the same. As there are few studies on the prevalence of body image dissatisfaction and the associated risk of developing eating disorders, we undertook this study. AIM OF THE STUDY: To examine the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and risk of developing an eating disorders (ED). OBJECTIVES: 1. To determine the prevalence of risk for developing eating disorders among school going adolescents in Vellore city. 2. To determine the prevalence of body image dissatisfaction among this population. 3. To determine the association between body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating patterns. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 550 adolescents in the age group of 11-18 years attending schools in Vellore city chosen by simple randomization. We used the EAT-26 questionnaire to assess risk of developing eating disorders, and the Stunkard’s Figure Rating Scale to assess dissatisfaction with body image. Questionnaires were self-administered and data was collected by school visits by the investigators. BMI was calculated by measuring height and weight using standardized tools. Data obtained was statistically analyzed. RESULTS: 550 adolescents in the age group of 12-17 years were studied. Of the 550 adolescents studied, 297 (54%) were girls, and 253 (46%) were boys. About half of the study participants belonged to low and lower middle socioeconomic status. Majority of the study population (63%) was within the normal BMI range for age with 14% in the obese range and 18% in the underweight range for age, with mean BMI of 19.8. 307 of 550 adolescents (55%) wanted to become thinner while 151 of 550 (27%) wanted to become fatter 22% of the adolescents showed a risk of developing eating disorders (EAT-26 score ≥ 20). Among adolescents who wanted to become thinner, there was a positive correlation between body image dissatisfaction score and the risk of developing eating disorder with "r" value of 0.262 and a "p" value of 0.00. There was also noted to be an increase in the body image dissatisfaction as the BMI increased. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that a significant proportion of the population was dissatisfied with their body image despite having a normal BMI, and as the body image dissatisfaction increased, the risk of developing eating disorders also increased. The level of body image dissatisfaction also increases with an increase in BMI.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: 201717454
Uncontrolled Keywords: eating disorders, body image dissatisfaction, adolescents, Vellore.
Subjects: MEDICAL > Paediatrics
Depositing User: Subramani R
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2021 16:52
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2021 05:42

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